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Enchanted Oaks Sewer Rehabilitation Project
T Construction is down to their final ~10 reconnections. Unfortunately, the remaining connections are extremely deep (14-20' deep) and each is a very challenging connection.
T Con has been approved to use a different method of digging called Hydro-Excavation, where pressurized water is used to disrupt the soil, and a suction pipe collects this disrupted soil/mud. Once they have reached the service connection at the sewer main, they will replace the entire service connection that serves the private residence and refill the hole with sand and/or soil and re-sod upon completion.
The reason these connections must be done this way is because there is not enough room to get excavating machines into the backyards of everyone remaining. The District cannot leave the old connections in place because if they fail, that responsibility would then be on the homeowner to pay for the repairs.
For issues related to this project, including, but not limited to: sinkholes, property damages, sod, or trash/debris left behind, please contact the office at and we will relay this information to our engineers. T Con is responsible for any damages, sinkholes, or sod issues, so we need to know sooner rather than later.
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