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Forest Oaks Park Fishing Dock Replacement Project

Information about the replacement of the small and large fishing docks will be available once the scope of the project has been completed. The small fishing dock has been removed for safety issues already. The large dock is the priority and will be removed and rebuilt starting in January 2024 and should take 2-3 weeks to complete once the project starts.

Project Updates

  • 1/29/24: this project will take a couple of weeks to complete but we did start today by removing lights and shutting of the power on the dock. Safety fencing will be going up on Tuesday to block off access to that lower area of the amphitheater, so the asphalt road allowing you to walk down to the dock will be blocked. We will next begin to tear out the railings and deck and then the wooden substructure. Once all of that is removed, we will start replacing the wooden substructure, decking, and then railings and lights.

  • 1/31/24: the deck has been removed and we have started removing the rotted and warped substructure. Once these beams have been removed, we will clean the concrete footers and begin the process of rebuilding the support structures.

  • 2/6/24: New sub-structure framing is complete and we will begin building the deck frame this week.

  • 2/15/24: The sub-structure is completed and the sub-decking frame has started. This will take several days to complete because it is a lot of lumber and has to be spaced properly so we have a solid foundation for the decking. The railing posts are also installed and will eventually be cut down to height when we are ready to install the remainder of the railing.

  • 2/21/24: Deck frame should be done in the next two days and then we move on the deck and railings! Our target date of March 8 is still on schedule

In Existence Since May 9th 1968 Harris County WCID #110 All Rights Reserved.

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