Forest Oaks Tennis Court
Construction Project
Forest Oaks Tennis Courts 1-4 are scheduled to be under construction from mid-March through late September 2024.
Scope of the Project
The project will include the following:
Demo and removal of all current asphalt and substructure foundation. All new foundation and leveling will create a stronger base for the new court surfaces and minimize any potential cracking. New concrete courts will be use a post-tension system underlay which will also keep the courts from cracking and creating gaps on the surface.
Replacement of six current 30' tennis court light poles with four 60' state of the art MUSCO light systems. This will increase the light quality on courts 1-4 from the current average light level of 12 to an average light level of 50 with minimal spillage of light to the surrounding residential homes.
Replacement of all tennis net systems.
Replacement of all current fencing and windscreen with new fencing and new windscreen.
Four pickleball courts will be lined on either side of the net on courts 7 and 8. New portable pickleball systems will be purchased by Forest Oaks for use. This would be a total of four pickleball courts
Additional practice walls will be installed once the project is completed on Courts 1 and 4. This may be done during summer 2024 or later depending on the length of the project.
11/4/24: We are finally close to the finish line and we acknowledge this has NOT BEEN A SMOOTH PROJECT and we apologize for how long this has taken and how much of a hassle it has been for so many of our members. But we are finally into the last phases.
Electrical work: the electrician is completing his work by Thursday.
MUSCO light alignment: Once the power is completed, the MUSCO team will come and align the lights properly and commission the online dashboard for light controls.
These new lights WILL NOT have have a light switch. These lights are remotely operated and will be on a timing system that adjusts itself on a daily basis. The lights will be scheduled to come on 15-20 minutes before dusk. Rivera Tennis will have access to the light controls so lights can be turned on if a day is very dark from cloud cover.
Finish windscreen on double gate
Side and lower tennis parking lot gates: our techs will be onsite to repair the power and data lines to both gates. Hopefully this is finished by Friday so the gates can be operational as quickly as possible.
Fence shades: we are waiting on the last three fence shades to come in so we can install them.
8/27/24: Received an optimistic schedule for completion of the new tennis courts. This is all subject to change with weather conditions and any potential delays or issues with new power conduit install.
Weeks of 8/26 and 9/2:
Complete building of new power tower frame.
Completion new power lines and power control box, complete light install.
Week of 9/2: Install new sidewalks around perimeter of courts.
Weeks of 9/9 and 9/16
Complete sidewalk install and install fencing for perimeter of courts
Replace metal facility gates
Remove construction fencing
Weeks of 9/16 and 9/23
Grind court surface for any bumps or raised areas.
Apply sealant
Clean court surface of any loose debris
Application of court pavement coating
Flood courts to check for any ponding of water.
Apply one coat of Ti-coat over entire area of courts
One application of acrylic resurfacer
Apply two coats of of each color for top coats
Paint Lines
Install net posts and nets.
Install windscreen
Late September / Early October - GRAND REOPENING
7/22/24: Beryl happened. Before Beryl hit, we met with all reps from Classic Sports, MUSCO lighting, and our engineers. We had to discuss and find a solution for power for the new lights. Unfortunately, the plan we decided upon required CenterPoint to drop a new power line for the lights and that is not possible within a realistic timeline. We are now moving to our second option for power, which unfortunately, will take multiple weeks to complete. Very few actions can be completed by Classic Sports until the power issues are resolved and new lines are run, so we do not have a definitive timeline for the completion of this project at this time.
6/14/24: Post tensioning of the courts has been completed and now the waiting game continues while the courts cure. The total cure time from the day they pour is 29 days. They have poured samples in buckets and will those samples to test the curing process so they don't actually have to dig into the court concrete. We do expect the construction team to start doing other things before this 29 day curing process is complete.
6/11/24: The concrete has been poured and now it is a waiting game while the concrete cures properly. More updates coming once we get the remaining timeline.
6/4/24: Now that the weather has gone from mostly rainy/wet days to hot and humid, we expect to see some significant progress on the court construction. The construction crew plans to pour the exterior barrier curb on Friday, 6/7 and set the conduits for the post-tension system across the courts and sink the tennis post anchors. Once that is poured this week, they plan to pour 430 cubic yards of concrete next week!!!!! More info and a new timeline will be available by the end of this week.
5/22/24: The light pole anchors have been installed and the crew is recompacting the dirt for another compaction test this week before they start to install the rebar and tension cable conduits. If compaction test comes back positive (which is should), then we will begin to see a lot of movement in the next two weeks.
5/10/24: Due to the significant rain we received the week of May 6 (~8.5-9.5"), there was a significant 2-week delay as they had just finished doing the subgrade compaction and were about to start drilling the light pole anchors. This delay will push the project back at least 10 additional days. Once we get an official update from Classic Sports, we will provide an updated timeline for the project. Before they can start again, they will have to complete and pass another compaction text which, if failed, would mean having to bring in more fill dirt for the base. If it is passed, you will start to see rebar installation for the courts and light pole anchors being installed.
4/17/24: Classic Sports is putting in the first level of subgrade this week after finally getting the old stuff out. We ended up having to go deeper than we thought because the subgrades were in such bad condition. We are behind schedule but they hope to make up some of that time in the coming weeks.
4/2/24: Classic Sports continues to demo the courts and prepare for the new subgrade of the new courts.
3/19/24: Lights and nets have been removed on Courts 1-4. Construction company will be onsite starting Wednesday, March 20 and safety fencing and laydown location will go up. Please see the parking map above for parking lot closures and traffic flow for March 20 - April 1. We will have signage up to help direct everyone to the only facility entrance that will be available next to the Fitness Center.
3/12/24: The tentative court construction schedule has been added to the website. Courts 1-4 will go offline starting Monday, March 18. WCID110 staff will remove light poles on Monday, March 18.
3/4: WCID110 staff will begin removal of the light poles on courts 1-4 starting at 8 a.m. on Friday, March 8. We anticipate contractor being onsite starting the week of March 11.
2/24: we have asked the contractor to change our initial plan of having four pickleball courts lined on courts 1 and 2 and instead lining courts 7 and 8 as they are fenced and separated from all other courts. We have not received confirmation of this change in scope yet.
2/23: First meeting is scheduled with construction team for Tuesday, 2/27 to go over project, timeline, and other information.
1/31/24: We have received the final contract for execution and that will be reviewed by our engineers and lawyers before going to the board for final approval during the 2/14 board meeting. We should see significant movement once the final approval is authorized and the construction company can provide us with the project schedule. As a reminder, based on their schedule, we will remove lights for courts 1-4 for the week before they start and then remove nets/poles/benches/windscreen/etc. on the courts for the day prior to them starting.
1/19/24: The WCID110 District Manager and Office Manager met with the Tennis Committee, Rivera Tennis, and several of the recognized Forest Oaks tennis team captains to discuss court usage and scheduling during the construction project. It was a productive meeting and we are currently working on creating a court usage schedule which will be made available on the Tennis Courts page under Parks and Recreation tab.
1/10/24: The Board approved the bid for the project and Langford Engineering will prepare the bid documents needed for the construction company. This takes 10-14 days as the construction company completes paperwork, provides additional required information, and starts to order equipment and supplies.
12/13/23: The project was placed out for bid in December 2023 and one construction company submitted a bid for the project. That bid is under review by Langford Engineering, Inc. and the board will review the recommendation at the January 10, 2024 board meeting.

Impact of Tennis Court Construction on Forest Oaks Members
To see temporary policies regarding tennis court usage during
the construction project, click on the button below or go to the
Parks and Recreation tab and scroll down to Tennis Courts and
click on the image.
Court Access
Courts 5 - 8 will remain open and available for tennis players, Rivera Tennis, and league play but access to courts will be significantly impacted throughout this construction project.
All tennis court scheduling will be handled by Forest Oaks Office Manager.
Open rec users will NOT be guaranteed any specific days and times for access during peak hours of operation (Mondays through Fridays from 5 - 9 p.m.) due to Rivera Tennis programming and trainings as well as Forest Oaks approved league play. Courts 5-8 will be scheduled on an hourly basis to ensure we are using the courts efficiently for the differing needs of our stakeholders.
All Forest Oaks approved leagues will be approved as best as possible BUT court access and number of courts available will be reduced for any requests. This will lead to fewer games being played at any given time. It is encouraged that Forest Oaks teams request away games during this project if they want to have shorter competition times. Multiple leagues being played at the same time will be discussed with team captains and handled on a case by case basis.
All leagues that are not Forest Oaks will be denied reservation requests during the construction project.
Parking will be reduced in the lower tennis court lot once the construction team installs temporary fencing and security fencing for equipment and supplies. The parking spots nearest courts 5 and 6 will remain available and all individuals parking in those spots will have to walk to the main facility entrance to enter.
Parking will be allowed in the upper parking lots nearest the clubhouse during the construction project without penalty as long as valid parking pass is displayed.
Those without parking tags can use Forest Oaks Park parking lot.
Court Gate Entrances
The two tennis court access gates will be unavailable for use once the construction team installs temporary fencing. All tennis players will have to enter the facility through the main facility gate nearest the fitness center.
Lighting and Court Nets
Prior to the start of construction, the current light poles on courts 1-4 will be removed. We anticipate removing them one week prior to the start of the demo.
One day prior to start we will remove:
All nets and posts
All fence shades and court bench/shades
All windscreen
All signage and displays along fence.
General Impact
Once demo begins, there will be considerable noise, dust, debris, and workers present.
Forest Oaks staff will continue to blow off courts 5-8 in the mornings around 7:30 a.m. and, when possible, in the afternoon around 2 p.m. Additional court cleanings will not be performed after 3 p.m. by WCID110 staff. Rivera Tennis or team captains can blow off courts as needed.