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Easter Egg Hunt Event Updates - 3/13/24

We have made some time changes to our Easter Egg Hunt event on Saturday, March 23. We are going to add a short ceremony for the grand opening of our new playground right at the start of the event at 10a and have pushed back the egg hunts by 15 minutes and we would like all event participants to be part of the ceremony.

New egg hunts are as follows:

  • 4 and Under: 10:30 a.m.

  • 5-8 - 11 a.m.

  • 9-13: 11:30 a.m.

We do apologize if this creates any issues, but we want to do a short 5-10 minute playground ceremony and would like all event participants to be part of that!!!

We also want to thank Klein Oak Student Council members who will be volunteering for the event and their advisor, Mrs. Abby Garrison. Many of the Klein Oak Student Council members volunteered for our annual Trunk or Treat event back in October 2023 and we appreciate their willingness to support our event again this year.

We have also added Jeremiah's Ice to the event and they will be selling a variety of their products throughout the event.

Please stay up-to-date with the event by checking out the event landing page on the District's website.


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