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Two projects at Forest Oaks have started so heads up

Now that we finally have some great weather (or at least we do for this week), two projects have started at Forest Oaks Swim and Racquet Club and at Forest Oaks Park.

Elevated Storage Tank at Forest Oaks Swim and Racquet Club: this project will have little to no impact on anything happening at Forest Oaks while this project occurs. You will see orange safety fencing near the main pavilion and eventually some equipment will brought in, but you don't have to worry about any issues with the club, parking, or access to tennis courts or fitness center.

Fishing Dock at Forest Oaks Park: this project will take a couple of weeks to complete but we did start today by removing lights and shutting of the power on the dock. Safety fencing will be going up on Tuesday to block off access to that lower area of the amphitheater, so the asphalt road allowing you to walk down to the dock will be blocked. We will next begin to tear out the railings and deck and then the wooden substructure. Once all of that is removed, we will start replacing the wooden substructure, decking, and then railings and lights.

We still plan to begin projects on Tennis Courts 1-4 and the park playground in the coming weeks, so be on the lookout for additional information. You can also stay up-to-date on these projects through our District website under District Projects tab.


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