Updated Fishing Policy for Forest Oaks Park
We have seen an increase in fishing over the recent weeks which is fantastic! We have partially restocked the lakes with everything except bass and tilapia but those are on the way in May.
We do want to make everyone aware of something that will come out in the next newsletter. We have been mistaken in our interpretation of requirement for a fishing license for fishing in our park. Because there is the possibility that our lakes and Cypress Creek could potentially be connected due to a flood situation, we are required to follow state laws about public waters, which means a fishing license is required.
A fishing license is required for anyone 17 years or older and all laws regarding fishing must be followed. We will also be altering our catch and release policy effective immediately. We will still have a catch and release policy for ALL BASS until further notice as the stock in the lakes is still not where we want it, but we will allow catch and keep for all other fish that meet the minimum length by state regulations.
On that note, we do not plan on altering how our staff interacts with those fishing nor do we plan on rigorously checking for fishing licenses unless there is a reason to do so. Any coolers, bags, or containers by any Forest Oaks staff member, park security officer, or law enforcement officer. All policy signage throughout the park is being installed in the coming week with the new policies. Should a Texas Game Warden come into the park, we want everyone to be legally enjoying their fishing experience.
If you have questions, please email us at office@hcwcid110.com

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